Monday, April 24, 2017

Typography Poster

I made this poster look like the quote by using blues to show the stream the fish are in and used orange as a complimentary color for the color scheme. I made the letters of "flow" follow the "current" in the background to make it resemble the meaning. I also warped the letters in "dead" as well as the "h" in "fish" with the warp tool to resemble fish bones. Lastly, I broke apart the background to propose the background is also going with the flow of the current and I made them grey and put a shadow behind them to show that they are also dying and are now separate from the background. I wanted to portray the idea that people who mindlessly go with the current societal norm are acting like dead fish that don't go against anything (the current). The pieces that broke apart from the background can be interpreted as all the people in the world that go mindlessly with other people's ideas.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

logo word

Hackneyed - (of a phrase or idea) Lacking significance through having been overused; unoriginal and trite

Monday, April 3, 2017