Friday, March 24, 2017

Typography - Stable

1. Shape - The font is block-like.

2. Color - The letters (for the most part) have solid fills and the "S" has a yellow to red gradient to propose that when people become rich they often become "evil".

3. Orientation - The letters in the background are parallel to the bottom and top of the page. and are evenly spaced from each other

4. Style - The letters are in bold to show support.

5. Texture / Fills - The "S" has a fill of coins to suggest financial stability.

Typography - Quiet

1. Size - The big lettering suggests that quiet people have a lot going on in their minds but usually keep it to themselves.

2. Shape - The font is swirly to suggest a quiet voice that isn't harsh.

3. Background Fill - The background is black to suggest nothingness because nothing is being said if someone is quiet.

4. Style - The stroke of the letters has a streak-y effect to suggest someone whispering.

5. Color / Value - The low opacity of the letters, again, suggests a quiet voice.

Typography - Implied

1. Shape - The font is swirly and not harsh to show that something implied is not in your face.

2. Color - As an ironic effect, something that is implied is not as obvious as black and white.

3. Size - something implied can still be said directly but someone might have to piece it together.

4. Effects - The words are reflected upside down to show that the words are still there but the viewer needs to pay attention to figure out what's happening. The same goes for the letters in the background. They are less opaque and even though all the letters to spell the word are there, the viewer still needs to read carefully to see the word.

5. Background Fills / Word Fills - The background is a gradient and the words have a 3-D effect to show that something implied can have deeper meaning that what is being said or shown.

Typography - Loud

1.  Size - The letters are big.

2. Shape - The font used is block-like and warped to suggest sound waves.

3. Background Fills - The background is in your face with a repetitive "loud" pattern.

4. Color - The colors used are part of the split-complimentary color scheme and are vivid for a "loud" effect.

5. Effects - The 3-D effect, again, suggests loud speech.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Book Project: Map 2

Book Project; Map 1

Book Project: Pg. 4 Color

The emphasis of this design is the one black and white upside down iceberg on the left. This relates to my theme because the human psyche is explained as an iceberg in Freud's Iceberg theory of the mind. I added flowers in the background to depict the naturalness of the human mind. The majority of the background is made up of reds and oranges to represent the current anger in the world, but mixed in are yellows to show that the world is still a beautiful place filled with happiness. The blues and greens of the ice bergs show that people can become upset about the emotional climate of the world but only a number of people will be deeply hurt by the anger around them (the grey iceberg). Furthermore, icebergs are naturally strong formations that can shape elements around them and can be shaped by elements around them. Relating the icebergs to people, we have strong holds on each other and can shape. or be shaped by, other people and the environment around us.

Book Project: Pg. 3 Patterns

The emphasis of this piece is the sideways brain in the top corner. This design focuses on the subconscious part of the brain. The subconscious is what drives our actions and our reflexes without us thinking about it. The gears represent all the work the subconscious part of our brains does for us. I lightened this design up a bit compared to the previous two because scientists have been able to discover and examine more of the subconscious. Although, the subconscious is not completely known so I reused the falling/spiral motion to depict the unknown.

Book Project: Pg. 2 Lines

The emphasis in this design is the thickly outlined star. This piece relates to my theme because I tried to depict how deep the unconscious part of the brain is by making stars - related to passing out - come out of the depths of the "unconscious" (the middle white filled star).

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Book Project: Pg.1 Gradient

The emphasis of this design is the word "unconscious". This design relates to my theme of the human psyche because it represents the unconscious void of it. No one knows much about the unconscious part of the brain so I wanted to represent the darkness of it with a gradient warp.